“Grow Up”


“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

Pablo Picasso


I truly love this quote for several reasons. When we are kids we are praised for our art and people think it is great. As we get older we are told “grow up” “get a real job”. Have any of you ever faced trials along your path as a designer or artist when people tell you to “grow up”?

Me, personally I faced this all the time growing up. I even questioned myself about this very thing. I think I felt it most when I hit my early years in college, not too many high school advisers know about a design career path. So I had to educate myself on what it took to become a designer. I never gave up and constantly pressed forward to make it my career. The funny thing is even today I still question myself when times get tough if I should still press forward. In my low times though I rely on my Lord and He gives me the strength to press forward as an artist and designer. I also have been able to reflect on the past and where I was and where I am today. So give it some thought and I would love to hear from any of you about what you have gone through to be where you’re at today.



  1. Dale Huey

    I found your site via Hemmings Motor News and am now a big fan. At fifty six I am searching the reasons why I did not become a graphic artist. 30 years in the automotive industry has given me a decent living, and kept me close to the cars I love, but the artistic reward has never come about. I dabble, and do a little work on the side, but to turn out any work of substance just seems slightly out of reach. Be proud of what you do, it inspires people like be to want to step further out of our bounds and create something, art. I’m still a pen and ink type of guy, but seeing your work in Painter tells me that technology has passed beyond the Corel 12 I am currently familiar with. Keep it up, keep inspiring old dogs like myself.

    • Dwayne Vance

      Thanks for the encouraging words Dale. Much appreciated.

  2. Ryan Root

    My twin brother David and I are currently students at the College for Creative Studies studying automotive design.We are in our first year and we both found your advice to be extremely inspirational. I have recognized many of the situations in which you refered to throughout my experiences. Both David and my interests are in the design and fabrication of vintage traditional hot rods and early race cars. We find your work very intriguing and interesting. It’s nice to see that there are other designers that are as influenced by the history of automobiles and racing as we are. thanks again for the advice!

  3. Andrew Aynes


    Your thaughts are shared among many others, whether it be a sole designer, enrtrepenuer, or single mother.
    I too rely on Our Savior, Jesus to see us through. May all we do, glorify Him who died for us….

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