Tag: digital painting

Time to Freshin up a bit and get things rollin again

First Hi to everyone that still visits my blog. I want to really focus some time on revamping and doing some new and fresh art for all my supporters. In the last few years since I have been working full time again I have kind of let things go and I have not been producing many final pieces of art. As you can see in my instagram feed I am still sketching a lot but no finished pieces. When i was producing final pieces I was traveling to hot rod shows and I always needed something fresh. Now I think it is is time to shake off the dust and get back at it. My first goal is to finish the Hot Rod Car Themed Card Deck called the Burner Deck. If you haven’t seen me working on it I am hand inking each piece for a card deck I am going to produce and all the proceeds will be going to a Charity by the name of Redeeming Love. They are an organization that helps victims from the Human Trafficking trade here in the US.  So I am very energized to get that thing launched. Then after that I have a few things I would like to do but I need to give it some thought and time to see what is next. In the mean time check out my instagram feed to see more updates just look for that link in the upper right hand corner.  Here are a couple images from the card deck project below. Talk soon


Need a little self edit. Part 1

So I posted the Thruster Cycle just recently and I felt good about it.  After examining and looking at it I felt it needed a little more work. I got a little excited about what I was doing, but I did not stop to evaluate my layout. This post is how I went about self critiquing to make this a better piece. My point to this post is not only to push myself to improve, but to show others how to look at your own work and critique it yourself. It is very valuable to ask other people about your work, but you need to ask people that can give you good feedback. Don’t look for the friend or family member that is going to tell you it looks cool.

When I first approached the digital painting again I tried to treat it as if I had never seen it before. As if someone came to me and said “how would you improve this?” So I started checking my perspective and my background image. I put some notes on my original image so I can go back and take a look at each area of the image.   To check my perspective I made my two vanishing points in Photoshop.  Here are a couple images below showing how I corrected my perspective. Perspective is really a key element in making man made objects look solid and grounded. It can be tedious and boring but once you understand it, it will improve you work tremendously. It is a foundational skill that will make your work look more confident and grounded.


So to start I looked at my image and made a few quick notes. I was critical on the image and highlighted areas I felt were not working. Then asked myself why I felt they were not working. Took notes and started to address problems I could see. I went back to my original sketch and started to take care of the perspective issues. Some of the things could be left alone but I felt they weakened the design a bit. The main area I felt was weak was the back side of the engine as it drooped down in the back. Then the ground shadow under the bike was out of perspective. I did not use that final shadow in the final piece but it does set up my initial drawing and it was off.


This image below is how I set up my perspective grid to fix my original sketch. Yes I should have done this in the first place, haha but hey i got a little excited.


Here is the image after I corrected the perspective issues



Now you can see after I fixed a few issues with the initial sketch it makes a more solid design. For the next post I will try a different rendering method and share that in part 2. If you have anything to add or any questions fill free to ask in comments below. Or you can visit my facebook page and ask me questions there. So keep drawing and learning, and if you dug this short tutorial please share it with others out there. With respect Dwayne Vance

Thruster Cycle


Well first of all welcome back to my blog if you haven’t been here in a while. Time to start posting stuff again. If it is your first time welcome and please browse around.  I offer several free tutorial videos and prints, books and t-shirts in the store.

I was honored to get to teach at the Concept Design Academy in Pasadena recently for the vehicle design class taught by John Frye. I showed a few of my techniques in Photoshop, Painter and talked about working in the design industry. I do really enjoy teaching and I think I learn a lot myself when I do that. This concept is based on a series of flying motorcycles I had been drawing in my sketchbook. Then I used a robot to pilot the cycle because I have been doing an Instagram challenge another artist had set. His name is Dacosta Bayley and he is promoting his book called March of Robots on kickstarter. So I thought why not I love robots too, you can flip through my Instagram @dwaynevance account and see all the robots I have been drawing. So I thought I would share my new image and get my blog fired back up. Go through the gallery section of this post and you will see all my thumbnail sketches and several steps leading up to the final piece.  Thanks for stopping by.







Mac’s Mini Rods App

This is an updated garage scene from the Mac’s Mini Rod app. Mac is a boy that loves to hang out with his dad. They share the same passion for building sick hot rods. So Mac made his own work area and started building his designs out of found parts from around the garage. In this story you will learn more about Continue reading

Comic Con Spaceship Fun


So I was honored to be in the Wacom booth again this year at Comic con representing Painter and Wacom both. I demonstrated the new 24HD touch monitor along with Painter 12.2 and man it was Continue reading