Free artwork give away contest WINNERS

So the 3 lucky winners of the contest are…. I had my official winner picker (my Daughter) select 3 names from the list of comments you left. Here are the names she randomly drew out of the hat. I am also placing the comments with the names. By the way thank you very much for all the feedback everyone left. I have already written down several great Ideas from your feedback and it will be used in the near future. As I use your feedback I will be sure to credit anyone specifically if I use their idea. So truly thank you again to everyone that took the time to write feedback to me and it will benefit the blog tremendously. So with out further ado here is the list of names and their feedback.


1. I prefer normal speed especially with commentary since it’s good to see what you do but the why is also very important. it’s not just about learning about technique but the line of thought that goes through your mind while you’re drawing.

2. sharing you’re work is definitly one of them since it’s really inspiring and unique, tutorials also since it’s always nice to see how you got to that final result or skill level. Your inspiration are good also it gets everyone in the mood!

3. I would like to hear more about you and you’re drawing skill what do you do to push yourself on step further to be sure you keep you’re edge and become better. You could also make people participate, give out challenge and review them with commentaries or sort out a top 3 or 5 for fun maybe by pointing out the things that’s been applied that you talk about in you’re videos.

It’s nice to see you’re taking you’re blog seriously and that you’re ready to invest time to be good quality.


Dan Bishop

1. I like normal speed video (or close) with commentary. It helps me learn from your methods.

2. I really like the tutorials and artwork, but all of it is interesting.

3. I would add more content from other sources, if possible. Guest bloggers are great. Additional eye candy from other sources is always welcome as well.

Just received MOCS 2 last week. Awesome, just awesome. Keep up the good work!


Kristina Albrecht

1. Normal speed, commentary, perhaps some editing if you feel it’s getting too long in the tooth.

2. Tutorials of course! But it’s always great to see what inspires other artists.

3. Interviews with other artists would be cool, maybe have it a structured weekly deal (if you can arrange it). ‘Interview Monday’, ‘Tutorial Tuesday’, ‘Throwback Thursday’ (you speaking or blogging about one of your early drawings’)… etc. That way we know what to expect and can eagerly await the RSS Feed or FB link to it :-) ( structures their site like that, with specific things on certain days, so I know when I can go there and find the latest recipe, success story, links to read up on, etc.) Great thing about blogs is that you can write a post and schedule it in advance. Now I just need to do it on my site…. lol


Thanks again and I will be contacting the winners through email for your address.


  1. Don Jolley

    You can tell your little girl to forget about the $20 I promised her.

    • Dwayne Vance

      LOL I am sure she would have changed her mind if she had known that 🙂

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